
We all do karmas each and every moment using our mental and physical energies. Good karmas always create good aura around us and vice-versa. For some people this is not only deeds but thoughts and words as well. Our NGO aims for the welfare of humans and other living beings, so we are focusing on education for children, who are the hope of tomorrow. Education can change the life of a child and he or she may grow up healthy and become self-reliant. Due to many reasons number of children are denied of their right to education.

India has made significant progress towards universalizing elementary education since the enactment of the 2009 Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. It’s a great achievement but the sad truth is that all not stay there. According to government’s own estimates, six million children remain out of school, more among the disadvantaged groups. We are doing our sincere efforts to educate children through elementary perspective.
Animals and birds do control and balance our environment. They have a great importance in our lives. Like humans they also need love, care and affection. So many stray dogs incapable of surviving on their own , needs our support.

As human beings we have a greater responsibility towards ourselves and others , which extends beyond our own selfish interests. We have a responsibility to participate in the liberation of life upon earth by living virtuously and performing good actions. So we have to play our dutiful roles in the collective evolution of life upon earth.

Virtues of compassion, friendliness, non-injury , love and selfless service enable us to purify our own karmas and those of others to whom we extend such virtues. Life is not all about you and your sufferings. To the extent you bring others into your thoughts and concerns, you will make progress on the spiritual path.

Life is often not always about quantity so much as it is about quality. Seniors can often become isolated and lonely especially if they are unable to drive or have mobility issues, so we should help ageing seniors to stay connected to family, friends and community.
As humans, we should cultivate positive feelings towards others within ourselves and apply them to our everyday lives. The world gives us numerous opportunities to be good and practice goodness towards others. When we use those opportunities, we not only help ourselves karmically but also open the doors for those whom we help to purify themselves.