The Aura Of Karma Foundation

"Kindness is the best form of humanity."

The Core Team

Poonam Mathur

Bhupesh Mathur

Dr. Md Aftab Alam

Vijay Kumar Handa

Bina Handa

Message By The Chairperson Of The NGO

We all do karmas each and every moment using our mental and physical energies. Good karmas always create good aura around us and vice-versa. For some people this is not only deeds but thoughts and words as well. Our NGO aims for the welfare of humans and other living beings, so we are focusing on education for children, who are the hope of tomorrow. Education can change the life of a child and he or she may grow up healthy and become self-reliant. Due to many reasons number of children are denied of their right to education.

India has made significant progress towards universalizing elementary education since the enactment of the 2009 Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. It’s a great achievement but the sad truth is that all not stay there. According to government’s own estimates, six million children remain out of school, more among the disadvantaged groups. We are doing our sincere efforts to educate children through elementary perspective.
Animals and birds do control and balance our environment. They have a great importance in our lives. Like humans they also need love, care and affection. So many stray dogs incapable of surviving on their own , needs our support. Read more…

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Volunteering education

“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”
                         ~Erma Bombeck

About Us

The Aura Of karma Foundation is a non profitable and a secular organisation dedicated towards the service of mankind. The Foundation is established in March 2019. Through our various projects

Our Mission - "Humanity"

  • No child without education.
  • No elderly without home.
  • No animal without shelter​.
  • Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better.

  • It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things of life.

  • We believe that our elderly should remain a part of mainstream society and be in touch with the vibrant urban fabric of the city.Lets provide them safety, stress free living, medical attention and constant companionship.

  • Save animals. Our vision is a better society through kindness to animals.We believe that by working together we can save them all. Our mission towards animals is to treat all the living things as we ourselves would wish to be treated. Respect all living creatures.

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Donate Today and help to fulfill our mission of humanity to uplift society. They all need your helping hand and are in urgent need of funds to survive and to grow. Create your. Karma Start your donation to our mission

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Improve the lives of people, Join us to keep fighting for education and financial as well as moral support to every person around you. We are actively changing lives. Connect with us to find out how you can get involved